An Identity Deeply Rooted in Christ is Bold


”Defined” is an interactive workbook that will take you deeper than just looking in a mirror, quoting Scripture, and pumping yourself up to face your day. It’s the deep and lasting work of the Holy Spirit tilling the soil of your heart to receive the Truth found in His Word. That truth will set you free to dream with Him! You were made for this!



Cultivating an identity deeply rooted in Christ emboldens you to bring your God-given dreams to life! Beloved Daughters of the King are not easily taken off course in their calling. They know who they are and Whose they are! Strong winds of criticism, internal struggles of doubt and fear, and the pervasive lies of the enemy don’t have nearly the impact they once did.

In this interactive workbook, you’ll discover who you are in Christ and why it matters. I’ll share what the ”Big 3 Identity Thieves“ are and how to keep from experiencing identity theft! My personal struggles and how God set me free will fuel you to run your own race. As a result, you’ll make real progress in doing what God’s called you to do!

Let’s do this … TOGETHER!