Have you ever felt stuck in life? There are 5 things God wants to do when we’re stuck. There are two kinds of seasons of being stuck: A God-Ordained Season of Being Stuck An Appointed Season of Growth Sometimes when we feel stuck in life, it is actually God trying to get our attention. It’s […]
Spiritual Growth
5 Things God Does When We’re Stuck (Part 1)
Have you ever felt stuck in life? Maybe you feel stuck right now. There are two kinds of seasons of being stuck: A God-Ordained Season of Being Stuck An Appointed Season of Growth in Being Stuck Sometimes when we feel stuck in life, it is actually God trying to get our attention. It is a […]
Intro to Kairos Moments
There are two Greek words for time: Chronos and Kairos. Chronos is a Greek word for time that you can measure by the ticking of a clock. Kairos is not just any time, but a specific moment within time that God has created an opportunity for radical growth and amazing transformation. A kairos moment is […]
Drink Deeply of His Spirit and You’ll Never Thirst Again
![He alone quenches our thirst!](https://i0.wp.com/stuffofheaven.com/ju-content/uploads/2019/01/DRINK-DEEPLY-CROPPED.png?resize=710%2C335&ssl=1)
Drinking Deeply of God’s Spirit “Drink deeply of God’s Spirit” (Ephesians 5:19 WNT) We all know by now we are to drink lots and lots of water to stay healthy. Some sources even say to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. Drink more at higher altitude, when working out a lot and […]
Stumbling at the Promises of God
How Do We See God’s Promises? God promised Abraham that He would have a son and subsequently many descendants after that. He promised him he would become the father of many nations. “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them. … So shall your offspring be” (Genesis 15:5, NIV). […]
5 Reasons Why We Can’t Hear God’s Voice
God still speaks today! He longs to talk to you through His Word and through the Holy Spirit. His “voice” can be heard in the claps of thunder and the sound of gentle rain. The mountains right outside my front door speak of His majesty. The sound of my boys’ laughter speaks of the joy […]
Did God Really Say? (Hearing God’s Voice Series, Part 3)
WET BLANKET OF DOUBT My husband has been without a job since December. He’s had more closed doors in the last few months than he’s had his entire life. God has provided for us in some pretty amazing ways though! But in the end, he still needs a job. Recently, he heard God say, “I […]
Hearing God’s Voice Series
Hearing God’s Voice (Part 1) Did you know YOU can hear God’s voice? You can! God longs to speak to us! Have you ever been in a “conversation” with someone who loves to hear themselves talk? I have! Usually, when that happens I end up feeling stuck as a member of a captive audience. But prayer […]
There’s More Than Enough!
I grew up the oldest of six children. We weren’t rich by any means, but we always had enough. We never went hungry. My mom and dad did a great job of shielding us from feeling the pinch when things were tight financially. When we sat down for family dinner, we knew we couldn’t just […]
The Confident Woman
What is confidence? What does a confident woman look like? According to Merriam-Webster, the first definition of the word “confidence” is: “great faith in oneself or one’s abilities.” That didn’t quite seem to fit what I felt God was teaching me about being confident. That sounded more like pride to me. When defining the Confident […]